The Tomols Module looks at the Chumash redwood plank canoe as a vehicle to explore the past and present realities of Chumash culture. It examines the history of the canoe, exploring how this technologically-advanced watercraft helped the Chumash thrive for thousands of years. The module also looks at how the modern-day Channel crossings that the Chumash make in tomols every year are a core piece of repairing the damage done to the tribe by colonization and missionization.
This module contains materials for roughly 3.5 hours of instruction.
Suggested Grade Level: 6-9
The following sequence of lessons and activities trace the story of the tomol from its past legacy to its role in modern day Chumash society. In doing so, they explore the larger idea of the Chumash in the present tense: how they are very much a part of our society today, and not just a historical footnote in a textbook. These elements can be completed in sequence, or as separate lessons.
Class Discussion: Sunset Paddlers
Students will examine a photo of Chumash paddling across the channel, and discuss using the See Think Wonder format.
Island Visions, pages 114-115
Suggested Duration: 20 minutes
Independent Research: Defining the Tomol
Students will examine the resources below, completing a comprehension worksheet.
Suggested Duration: 40 minutes self-guided exploration (or as homework)
Class Discussion: Past and Present
Students will discuss how the Chumasn used the tomol in the past, and how they use it today, comparing their answers to their initial thoughts from Engage.
Discussion GuideSuggested Duration: 30 minutes
Activity: Still Here
Students will find examples of Chumash presence in your present day community: art, street names, local leaders, cultural activities, etc.
Activity GuideSuggested Duration: 90 minutes (with more time for field work if needed)
Class Discussion: Teaching the Past
Students will discuss how schools/textbooks/museums/etc depict the Chumash, and how this differs from the role that they play in their community today.
Discussion GuideSuggested Duration: 30 minutes
Want to expand out this module? Here are a few options: